The other day, I was trying to film a vlog. It was a hot summer’s day, my makeup was literally melting off my face, and the humidity was causing my hair to stand tall enough to rival the hairdo of a 1986 prom queen. My four
month old was screaming and had just puked in my 80’s prom queen hair. My house was a mess, my dogs barking, and my work piling up. My vlog
was just not happening, but I did manage to pull myself together for about half a second to take a picture.
I posted this “perfect” photo and realized that I had just put on a show for the world and covered up my mess. Instead of feeling more connected to my friends, I felt further apart. So, I picked up my phone, called a friend, and told her about my hair and my messy house. She shared that she had worn her shirt inside out all day, and we had a good laugh together. Our friendship deepened with the vulnerability, and we connected over something as silly as bad hair and an inside out shirt.
My picture on my bad day didn’t reflect how much of a hot mess I was. Our social media often reflects the best, and even, fake parts of our lives. We turn our back on vulnerability, and instead, welcome the use of filters and getting the perfect shot to block out the “mess” in our lives. As we scroll through our feeds, we compare and judge, allowing our friendships to be tainted by insecurities and opinions based on a mirage instead of truth. We are not brought together, but instead, we are isolated by feeling as if we are
the only one in the world with fears, heartbreak, and days that are less than great. It is as if we are all wandering through a house of mirrors alone, seeing images of ourselves and others distorted in a hundred different ways.
I would encourage you today to combat the “house of mirror” effect that social media may have on your relationships. I encourage you to be vulnerable. Call a friend if you are feeling lonely and share with them that your day is less than great. If someone on your feed is annoying you with how perfect their life seems, reach out to them with a text and ask them how they’re really doing. Maybe their life isn’t as perfect as you thought. Don’t allow social media to make you feel jealous, insecure, or isolated. Be a little vulnerable and give your friends a peak at what lies behind the perfect video or picture. You may be surprised to find that vulnerability will bring you together in a way that social media can’t.
If you’d like more information about who we are and what we do, contact us at the number below. We are here to listen to you without any judgement and to offer you confidential support.
Call or text us at 607-205-8506