Sharing Your Heart: How to Talk with Your Family When Considering Abortion

One of the most intimidating aspects of an unexpected pregnancy can be sharing the news with your family, especially if you’re considering abortion and are unsure how they will respond. 

Your pregnancy decision is yours alone, but understanding your options and available support can uncover new possibilities. Open conversations with your family can provide valuable perspective and resources as you determine the best path forward.

Before the Conversation

The more informed you are going into the conversation, the more clarity you’ll have, which can foster constructive dialogue rather than criticism. 

At Life Choices Center, we can provide a referral for a no-cost, onsite ultrasound which can give key information such as the pregnancy’s gestational age. This is an important step if you are considering abortion. A medication abortion is FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestational age, so this piece of information will affect your available options.

An ultrasound will also confirm the pregnancy’s viability and location. If it is located outside of the uterus, this is an ectopic pregnancy that requires immediate medical attention. 

Our Center also offers options mentoring to help you learn about all your options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. This appointment will help you understand each option more thoroughly before sharing your news with family members.

Talking With Your Family

When you feel ready, have an open conversation with your family about your unexpected pregnancy. Choose a time and place where they can listen without distractions—this deserves their full attention.

Speak honestly about the situation, sharing details you’re comfortable with. Their initial reactions, whether anger, shock, or confusion, likely stem from their concerns for you, so try to give information that you think will help them process the news (e.g., how far along you are, prenatal appointments you’ve already attended, etc.).

Next Steps

Life Choices Center provides confidential, non-judgmental support during this challenging time. While we do not refer for or perform abortions, we will provide evidence-based information on all your options.

Make a no-cost, confidential appointment with us today. We are here for you!

Read our post on reversing the effects of the abortion pill.

Life Choices Center is not a medical facility and does not perform or refer for abortions.