Am I Pregnant?

Your body has incredible ways of signaling the early stages of pregnancy. If you’ve recently had unprotected sex and your period is late, you might be noticing signs that could indicate early pregnancy. Need answers now? Text anonymously with a care expert during office hours for free at 607-357-8030.
Early Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms
Every woman and pregnancy is unique, but here are some common questions you might find yourself asking.1
- Did I miss my period?
- Why do I feel nauseous?
- Why are my breasts so sensitive?
- Why am I running to the bathroom more often?
- Why do I feel so exhausted?
- What’s causing my sudden mood swings?
If you’re here, you might be wondering, “Could I be pregnant?” based on signals from your body.
It’s important to note that pregnancy is still possible even if you believe you’ve had a period. Sometimes, light spotting known as "implantation bleeding" can occur, which is not the same as a menstrual period.2
How to Find Out if You’re Pregnant
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms or simply had sex recently without birth control, we have helped thousands of women facing the same questions.
Pregnancy Test
The first step to finding out if you’re pregnant is to take a lab-quality pregnancy test, which is usually over 99% accurate in detecting pregnancy-related hormone levels.
As a non-profit, we provide free and confidential pregnancy testing. If you qualify, you may also be eligible for a referral for an on-site, no-cost limited, non-diagnostic first-trimester ultrasound during a follow-up appointment to confirm the gestational age of your pregnancy.
An ultrasound serves to confirm pregnancy and evaluate its viability, checking for any signs of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. It also allows the doctor to measure the fetus, providing an estimate of the conception date.
Online Pregnancy Help
If you’re looking for help confirming your pregnancy, need a free pregnancy test, or to see if you qualify for a referral for an on-site, no-cost, limited, non-diagnostic first-trimester ultrasound, Life Choices Center is here for you.
Just text 607-357-8030 to connect with a care expert at our center who can answer your questions and guide you through your options.