Navigating Pressure from Friends and Family When Considering Abortion

Pressure from friends and family when facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel heavy. You may be stressed or feel the need to please someone you love. Ultimately, you have a decision to make. It’s ok to take input from your friends and family, but anytime it feels like you’re being pressured to choose something you don’t want is not ok.

Take A Step Back

It’s essential to step back and create space between your family and friends when you feel pressured to make a decision you’re unsure about. Make space to collect your thoughts and sit on them without voices overshadowing you.

If you need someone to talk to, we at Life Choices Center are here to listen. We provide a safe, confidential space where you can process your thoughts and feelings and explore all your options. We provide evidence-based information to support you in making an informed, empowered decision.

Explore Your Options

You have three potential pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. It’s essential to understand how each one works before making your final decision. Navigate through difficult questions like:

  • What if I’m a single parent?
  • How will I meet my financial needs?
  • Will my partner support me physically, mentally, emotionally?
  • Will I be able to continue school/college?
  • What does adoption planning look like?
  • What are the physical risks of abortion?
  • What are the physical risks of pregnancy?
  • How do I emotionally feel about each option: abortion, parenting, and adoption?
  • Am I ready to parent?

It’s important to take time to weigh the benefits and the risks of every option to know what’s right for you.  

Confirm Your Pregnancy Details

We can help you understand the facts about all your options and what to expect. Before making a pregnancy decision, receive pregnancy confirmation with our no-cost lab-quality pregnancy tests and, if eligible, a no-cost onsite ultrasound referral.

An ultrasound is vital as it confirms how far along you are, the location of your pregnancy (it’s dangerous if not located within the uterus), and the viability of your pregnancy (if there’s a heartbeat and whether it’s progressing). It could also alert you to potential complications that would require medical treatment right away.

Schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment today to discuss your unique pregnancy situation and clarify your options.

Life Choices Center is not a medical facility and does not perform or refer for abortions.